Honeywell Air Purifier: A Guide to Cleaning the Filter

Video how to clean honeywell air purifier filter

Having clean air in your home is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality and promoting a healthy living environment. One effective way to achieve this is by using an air purifier. Honeywell, a renowned brand, offers a wide range of high-quality air purifiers to keep the air in your home free from pollutants and allergens.

As with any appliance, regular maintenance is necessary to ensure optimal performance. One crucial aspect of maintaining a Honeywell air purifier is cleaning the filter. The filter is responsible for trapping and removing various airborne particles, such as dust, pollen, pet dander, and smoke, from the air. Over time, the filter can become dirty and clogged, reducing its effectiveness and negatively impacting the air purifier’s efficiency.

Why Cleaning the Filter is Important

The filter is the heart of the air purifier, responsible for removing harmful airborne particles and improving the air quality in your home. Here are some key reasons why cleaning the filter is important:

  • Improved Air Quality: A dirty filter can’t effectively trap particles, allowing them to circulate back into the air you breathe. Regularly cleaning the filter ensures that it remains free from debris, allowing it to efficiently capture and remove allergens, pollen, dust, pet dander, and other pollutants.
  • Enhanced Airflow: A clogged filter restricts airflow, reducing the effectiveness of the air purifier. By cleaning the filter, you restore proper airflow, ensuring that the air purifier can function optimally and distribute clean air throughout the room.
  • Prolonged Filter Life: Regular cleaning helps extend the filter’s lifespan. By cleaning the filter at recommended intervals, you can keep it in good condition, ensuring its longevity and saving on replacement costs.
  • Energy Efficiency: A clean filter allows the air purifier to operate more efficiently, consuming less energy. By ensuring the filter is clean, you not only improve the air quality in your home but also contribute to energy conservation.

Regularly cleaning the filter of your Honeywell air purifier is vital for maintaining optimal performance, ensuring clean air, and extending the lifespan of the appliance. By investing a little time and effort in filter maintenance, you can enjoy fresh and healthy air in your home while maximizing the effectiveness of your air purifier.

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Tools and Equipment Needed

Before you begin cleaning the filter of your Honeywell air purifier, it’s important to gather the necessary tools and equipment to ensure a smooth and successful process. Here is a list of items you will need:

  • Vacuum Cleaner: A vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment will be used to remove dust and debris from the filter.
  • Water: You will need access to clean, lukewarm water for rinsing the filter.
  • Mild Detergent: A mild detergent, such as dish soap, will be used to help remove stubborn stains or residue from the filter.
  • Clean Towels or Paper Towels: These will be used to dry the filter after rinsing.
  • Container or Sink: You will need a container or access to a sink large enough to submerge and rinse the filter.
  • Gloves: Wearing gloves will protect your hands during the cleaning process.
  • Clean Cloth: A clean, lint-free cloth can be used to wipe down the exterior of the air purifier during the cleaning process.

Having these tools and equipment ready before you start cleaning the filter will ensure a more efficient and effective process. It’s important to use clean and suitable materials to avoid introducing any additional pollutants or damage to the filter.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning the Filter

Step 1: Turn Off the Air Purifier

Before you begin cleaning the filter of your Honeywell air purifier, it’s crucial to turn off the unit and unplug it from the power source. This step is essential for both your safety and the proper maintenance of the appliance.

To turn off the air purifier:

  1. Locate the power switch on the air purifier and switch it to the “Off” position.
  2. Unplug the air purifier from the power outlet.

By turning off the air purifier and unplugging it, you prevent any potential accidents or electric shocks during the cleaning process.

Step 2: Remove the Filter

Now that you have turned off and unplugged your Honeywell air purifier, it’s time to remove the filter.

To remove the filter, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the filter compartment on your air purifier.
  2. Open the compartment and carefully remove the filter.
  3. Inspect the filter for any visible signs of dirt or debris. If necessary, replace the filter with a new one.

By removing the filter from the air purifier, you have gained access to clean it thoroughly. Make sure to handle the filter with care to avoid damaging it or releasing any trapped pollutants back into the air.

Step 3: Vacuum the Filter

Once you have removed the filter from your Honeywell air purifier, it’s time to give it a thorough cleaning using a vacuum cleaner. Vacuuming the filter helps to remove loose dirt, dust, and debris, preparing it for the next steps in the cleaning process.

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To vacuum the filter:

  1. Attach a brush attachment to your vacuum cleaner.
  2. Hold the filter over a trash bin or a sink to catch any loose particles.
  3. Carefully run the vacuum cleaner with the brush attachment over both sides of the filter.
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  5. Continue vacuuming until you are satisfied that the filter has been thoroughly cleaned.

Vacuuming the filter helps eliminate larger loose particles, making it easier to clean the filter further in the next steps. Be thorough and take your time to ensure that the filter is as clean as possible before proceeding.

Step 4: Rinse the Filter

After vacuuming the filter, the next step in cleaning your Honeywell air purifier filter is to rinse it. Rinsing the filter helps to remove finer particles and grime that may still be clinging to the surface. It’s important to use the proper technique and avoid using hot water or harsh chemicals that could damage the filter.

To rinse the filter:

  1. Prepare a container or use a sink filled with clean, lukewarm water.
  2. Gently place the filter into the water and lightly agitate it to dislodge any remaining dirt or debris.
  3. If necessary, add a small amount of mild detergent or dish soap to the water.
  4. Continue gently agitating the filter in the water for a few minutes.
  5. Lift the filter out of the water and inspect it to ensure it is visibly cleaner.

When rinsing the filter, be gentle to avoid damaging the delicate filter material. Take your time to ensure that all parts of the filter are adequately rinsed and free from dirt or debris.

Step 5: Dry the Filter

After rinsing the filter of your Honeywell air purifier, it is important to ensure that it is completely dry before reinstalling it. Properly drying the filter helps to prevent the growth of mold or mildew and ensures the filter functions optimally.

To dry the filter:

  1. Gently shake off any excess water from the filter.
  2. Place the filter on a clean and flat surface, allowing it to air dry naturally.
  3. Avoid exposing the filter to direct sunlight or using heat sources.
  4. Periodically check the filter to determine its dryness.

It’s important to note that installing a damp or wet filter can compromise the effectiveness of your air purifier and potentially cause damage to the unit. Taking the time to properly dry the filter ensures its longevity and maintains optimal performance.

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Step 6: Reinstall the Filter

Once you have thoroughly cleaned and dried the filter of your Honeywell air purifier, it’s time to reinstall it. Properly reinstalling the filter is essential for the air purifier to function effectively and maintain optimal air quality in your home.

To reinstall the filter:

  1. Locate the filter compartment on your air purifier.
  2. Ensure that the compartment is clean and free from any dust or debris.
  3. Gently insert the cleaned and dry filter back into the compartment.
  4. Carefully close the filter compartment, ensuring that it is firmly secured.
  5. Double-check that the filter is installed correctly and securely.

By successfully reinstalling the filter, you have completed the vital step in the cleaning process. Your Honeywell air purifier is now ready to provide you with clean and fresh air once again.

Step 7: Turn On the Air Purifier

Now that you have successfully cleaned and reinstalled the filter of your Honeywell air purifier, it’s time to turn it back on and enjoy the benefits of clean and fresh air.

To turn on the air purifier:

  1. Make sure the air purifier is plugged into a functioning power outlet.
  2. Switch the power switch to the “On” position.
  3. Set the desired fan speed or other settings according to your preferences.
  4. Allow the air purifier to run for a few minutes to circulate purified air throughout the room.

By following these steps, you have successfully turned on your Honeywell air purifier and initiated the purification process. It’s important to regularly monitor the air purifier’s performance and maintain the filter to ensure clean air in your home.


Cleaning the filter of your Honeywell air purifier is a crucial step in maintaining clean and fresh air in your home. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can effectively clean and maintain your air purifier’s filter, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

Properly cleaning and maintaining the filter offers several important benefits, including improved air quality, enhanced airflow, prolonged filter life, and energy efficiency.

Remember to gather the necessary tools and equipment, follow each step carefully, and periodically check and clean the filter as part of your regular maintenance routine. By properly cleaning and maintaining your Honeywell air purifier filter, you can continue to enjoy clean and fresh air in your home, creating a healthier environment for you and your loved ones.

If you have any specific questions or concerns about your Honeywell air purifier or the cleaning process, be sure to consult the user manual or reach out to Honeywell customer support for assistance. Happy breathing!


Honeywell Air Purifier: A Guide to Cleaning the Filter
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